Monthly Archives: June 2017

Still Grappling with POV

I don’t know what is with this book.  I’m in the last 3 chapters and I keep flipping point of view from Jack to Olivia to Jack to Olivia.  It’s probably distracting and I don’t know why I’m doing it more than usual in this particular book.

I popped over to the internet to self-educate and learned that it is called headhopping.  I learned that it is hotly debated.  The usual stance is that it is only appropriate in romance (good thing I’m writing romance, huh?) and that even in romance, it’s better to confine to one POV per scene.

But since I’m pretty sure that some of my favorite parts of romance are when we catch a glimpse into what HE is thinking after reading about what she is thinking, I kept researching.  And discovered that Judith McNaught is especially skilled at headhopping.

So guess what.  I downloaded two of her books from the library to read over the next week.  (Hehe–“research.”)  And I hope I can learn something.

In the meantime, my main characters are finally up to sleeping together (I’ve been leading them on a dance for 37,000 words) and of course yours truly is completely awkward about the sex scene.  Wish me luck!